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Welcome to the El Paso Independent School District Volunteer website

If you are a new Volunteer and are interested in applying for a Volunteer Position with the El Paso Independent School District, please follow the simple steps below. Our online application "wizard" will walk you through the process step-by-step. A navigation bar will be displayed along the left side of all screens and will keep you informed of your progress.

Education Code 22.053. SCHOOL DISTRICT VOLUNTEERS. (a) A volunteer who is serving as a direct service volunteer of a school district is immune from civil liability to the same extent as a professional employee of a school district under Section 22.0511. (b) In this section, "volunteer" means a person providing services for or on behalf of a school district, on the premises of the district or at a school-sponsored or school-related activity on or off school property, who does not receive compensation in excess of reimbursement for expenses. (c) This section does not limit the liability of a person for intentional misconduct or gross negligence. ALL VOLUNTEERS MUST REAPPLY AFTER JULY 1 OF EACH YEAR TO BE CONSIDERED FOR VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES.

Employees Please use this link., please sign-in.
**Returning Volunteers: Please use the Returning Volunteer link below.**

Login Help: 
click here.

New Volunteer, please register.
If you are a New Volunteer, but NOT a Current or Former Employee or Returning Volunteer, please click the "New Volunteer" link above. You must register with us to apply for service opportunities through this website.

Returning Volunteer, please click here.
Use this option to update your volunteer application. This link should be used by Current or Former Employees or Returning Volunteers. You also can use this link to check your application status 5-7 working days after you complete your application.

If you have further questions or comments, please contact us at vips@episd.org. If you are a university student and are inquiring about volunteering to satisfy observation requirements, please contact Human Resources at 915-230-2024 or visit www.episd.org.

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